ISSN: 2173-8254

Nº 27 December 2024

Abriendo puertas para el desarrollo local con igualdad de género en Valverde, República Dominicana.

Author/s: Agencia de Desarrollo Económico Local de Valverde (ADELVA)

Dominican Republic occupies the fifth place with the highest gender inequality in the Latin American and Caribbean Region (UNDP, IDH 2015: 28 to 31), this drama demands comprehensive responses from the national and local levels to bring about changes towards the construction of gender equality. With the project "Promoting the Economic Autonomy and Participation of Women in Valverde": steps have been taken through: a) Sensitization and training b) Creation of Dialogue Spaces with public-private partnerships and c) Promotion of participation and Leadership of the women for decision making in the territory.