ISSN: 2173-8254

Nº 27 December 2024


  1. Papers should be written in Word format, for which you can download the template from the following link.
  2. Text in Times New Roman.
  3. Text with 12 font size.
  4. Text with 1.5 line spacing.
  5. The total length should not exceed 15,000 words (exceptionally, and with justification from the authors, this limit may be exceeded).
  6. Footnotes in Times New Roman font, size 10, and single line spacing.
  7. The first page should include:
    1. Title of the paper.
    2. Name of author(s).
    3. Professional or academic category.
    4. Abstract, in Spanish and English, not exceeding 150 words.
    5. Keywords, between 5 and 7, in Spanish and English.
  8. Summary of the paper:
    1. The order of headings in Roman numerals (I., II., ...).
    2. The order of subheadings in Arabic numerals (1., 2., ...).
  9. The hierarchy of heading for each section will follow the following order:
    2. Lowercase and bold
    3. Lowercase, bold, and italic
  10. If abbreviations are included, they must be specified with the full denomination at least the first time they are used throughout the document.
  11. Non-textual elements (tables, charts, maps, graphs, illustrations, etc.) will be inserted in the appropriate place in the text. All will be numbered and titled, their source will be specified at the bottom, and explicit reference will be made to them in the text. Additionally, they will be provided separately as an additional file:
    1. Editable charts: in OpenOffice Calc (ods) or Microsoft Excel (xls) format
    2. . Maps, illustrations, or images: in jpeg or tif format at 300 dpi. 
  12. Citations and references in APA seventh edition format:
  13. References will be presented at the end of the paper, ordered by the author's last name.