ISSN: 2173-8254

Nº 26 June 2024

The role of the productive sector in the internationalization strategies of local development

Author/s: Sergio Gutiérrez

The work seeks to analyze the role that different actors play in local development strategies. It is about observing the generation of local productive conditions that allow dynamizing the different economic actors. This dynamic is also associated with the changes resulting from globalization, which has increased the importance of local development processes to achieve the insertion international of local companies.nWhen analyzing international management at the local level, some problems arise related to the so-called market failures, which reveal the need to generate intervention instruments that allow dynamizing the projection and insertion of economic actors. The Local State becomes a close agent with the possibility of success when designing the most appropriate development policies according to the characteristics of the city or region. The development will then be the result of a dynamic of the actors and the implementation of structures adapted to the needs of the area.