ISSN: 2173-8254

Nº 26 June 2024

Law nº 14,717, of October 31, 2023, institutes special consideration for children and dependent children or adolescents, or children on the basis of the crime of feminicide typified in paragraph vi of § 2 of art. 121 of Decree-Lei No. 2,848

Country: Brasil

A special pension has been instituted for children and dependents under 18 (dezoito) years of age, orphans on the grounds of the crime of feminicide typified in paragraph VI of § 2 of art. 121 of Decree-Lei No. 2,848, of December 7, 1940 (Penal Code), whose monthly family income per capita is equal to or less than 1/4 (a quarter) of the minimum wage.