ISSN: 2173-8254

Nº 26 June 2024

Habitat and City Transformation: Toward Sustainable Urban Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Institution: CEPAL - MINURVI
Country: Chile

This document is based on the presentations and discussions held during the XXXI General Assembly of the Forum of Ministers and Highest Authorities of Housing and Urbanism in Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI), which took place on December 5 and 6, 2022, at the ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile. During this gathering, authorities, leaders, and experts in housing and urbanism convened with the objective of placing habitat and housing as fundamental pillars for achieving sustainable urban development in the region and promoting more inclusive, just, and resilient cities.

The Assembly generated reflections on the challenges, progress, and opportunities to create cities that promote human rights and the right to the city, economic reactivation, the reduction of inequality, and environmental impact mitigation. Additionally, it aimed to rethink the role of the State in achieving these objectives.

The event focused on four main thematic axes: i) the role of the State in housing production and urban development, ii) financing and the land and housing market, iii) the integration of a gender perspective and care systems in inclusive cities, and iv) the importance of sustainability and climate change in urban areas. These topics were thoroughly explored through panels, lectures, and exchanges involving authorities, technical experts, academics, and representatives of civil society.