ISSN: 2173-8254

Nº 26 June 2024

La experiencia de las Mesas Locales para la Convivencia y la Seguridad Ciudadana en Uruguay

Author/s: Eduardo Pirotto. Uruguay

The problems associated to the insecurity and the fear are not new problems; neither they are it the manidas ?solutions? that insinuate and propose . However today they summon us and we gather us to share experiences and perhaps of this form, attain innovar and visit other ways, without falling in the shortcuts that have not launched the pretended solutions.

In our case, will do reference to a tool, developed in the last four years, designed and promoted from the Home Office of the Uruguay and that involucra to the national police (fundamentally to his basic units of security that are represented by the secciónales of police) but also, as we will see, to the local governments (municipalities) and to other institutions and organisms of the State.
Coherent methodological strategies with the approach of Human Security splitting of an integral vision of the security that does axis in the respect and exercise of the citizen right to a worthy life, in freedom and free of threats. It emphasized the relational character and corresponsable of the construction of the conditions of security. The findings of this experience indicate that this approach makes possible that the local governments act on the problems of security-insecurity, without putting in collision his incumbencias with other jurisdictions, since descentra this question of the police and judicial field, opening a space of action oriented to the guarantee and protection of the human and social rights. The plan like device of planning and management organises the efforts of the municipal executive when installing the transversalidad and the intersectorialidad and therefore the responsibility shared of the group of the municipality for the resolution of the problems prioritised.