In Mexico, the meaning of water, has undergone dramatic changes over the past six decades, worldwide, can be secured from the meetings in Stockholm (1972) and Rio de Janeiro (1992) and is related to population growth - between 1950 and 2000, world population tripled, from 2500 to 6000 million. In Mexico, increased from 25 to 100 million people. Water, comprehensive natural resource ecosystems in their natural movement in areas where it flows, but does not recognize geopolitical boundaries its importance in the social and economic development of nations defines a series of interactions of such complexity that demand for knowledge integrated management. This paper aims to highlight the importance of opening up opportunities for citizen participation in the sustainable management of water resources, its consolidation through the urgent issue of regulations and manuals that points to the National Water Act itself to define the limits of decentralization, clearly agreed responsibilities related to water management and budgetary resources attributable to the effect and power of the authorities require transparency in their management efficiency.